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Collecting Metric 2.8

Non-User Privileged Network Accounts

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  1. Identify the characteristics that make your agency’s network accounts privileged.

    • These will be the same characteristics you identified in Step 1 of Metric 2.7. You can find examples on the FISMA Definitions and Additional Information pages.

  2. Search the user repository (Active Directory) for accounts with the values identified in Step 1.

    • See the Tools & Tips section for examples of techniques to search Active Directory.
    • If you have a good way of directly identifying non-user privileged network accounts, for example a naming convention or group, this may speed up the process.

  3. Since we’re looking for non-user accounts, exclude the accounts you identified in Metric 2.7.
  4. Count the remainder and record the number for Metric 2.8.

Step 4 Example

If there are 100 privileged accounts identified in Step 2 and 90 accounts identified in metric 2.7, the total privileged, non-user privileged network accounts is 10.